This field is specific to the Products Meta Data Filter, and holds the name of the product meta data for which you wish to create the filter. You can use any custom meta data associated with WooCommerce products, as well as the built-in WooCommerce products meta data, such as _length, _width, _height, _weight available for editing in the WooCommerce Edit Product screen > Shipping, _stock – for stock quantities, or the _virtual or _downloadable meta data to filter for virtual and downloadable products.
If you wish to create a meta data filter out of string meta data values, please consider the following limitations for meta data values used in filters:
- Our meta data filters currently support only Latin alpha-numeric characters in meta data values.
- No spaces are allowed in meta data values.
If you can’t exclude spaces, non-Latin or special characters from your meta data values, please consider using WooCommerce product attributes rather than meta data.
Another way to bypass the above limitations would be to set slug-like indexes (for example, british_columbia for British Columbia) as meta data values, and use the Custom term icons and labels filter style (available in the premium version) to assign labels.
Tip: save your preset if you need to refresh the meta data values list of Custom term icons and labels style.
Multiple items selection filtering type will not work in numeric meta data filters when their meta values contain commas as decimal or thousand separators.
The numeric values formatting of meta data filters is based on your WooCommerce thousand separator and decimal separator settings (see WooCommerce > Settings > General).