Choose the filters behavior that suits the needs of your site with the help of the Filtering style option:
- AJAX with instant submission style will enable the classic AJAX submission and reload the WooCommerce products list part of the page immediately after a click on any of its filters.
To prevent filters of such presets from instant submission, you can enable the filter-level button submission. - AJAX with button submission will collect the selected filters and wait for the push of the “Filter” button to apply them to the products list part of the page.
- AJAX with delegated submission style will allow the filters selection, but hold the submission till it is initiated by a single-filter submit button or another preset located on the same page.
- URL filters will style filters as simple links to the filtered pages. You may find this mode useful for SEO and other tasks.
- Form with button submission will make your preset act as a classical html form element, with filters’ choices submitted with a push of a submit (“Filter”) button. Warning: this style does not support active filters badges and other JavaScript-powered options.
- Step-by-step filters style will turn your preset into a products finder application. This style is provided with additional settings, to help you set up a products finder page that suits the needs of your shop. You can place step-by-step products finder on any page of your site, including the home page, and redirect to the filtered results of the shop, taxonomy archive pages, or even to pages with filterable Woocommerce [products] shortcodes.
Our Woocommerce AJAX filters adjust the URL part of filterable page each time an AJAX product filter is applied, which facilitates page reloads, and enables the Back and Forward history moves in client’s browser.