Enable autocomplete
Autocomplete options are offered for all the products search controls. Tick the Enable autocomplete checkbox to see the list of options that control the display of the products search suggestions box.
Apply filters to autocomplete results
Enable this checkbox when you wish for your autocomplete suggestions to respect the filters that are currently activated on the page. A Red color filter applied to the page will be influencing the suggestions list that will display only the red products with titles and descriptions containing the current keywords.
The autocomplete search will listen to the activated filters even before they are actually submitted. This allows the creation of complex search bars, in which the user can pre-select other filters (for example, categories or tags) when performing the string search.
Begin autocomplete after X characters
Set the minimum number of characters that needs to be entered in the products search box to trigger the work of autocomplete option.
Show the maximum of X results
Enter the maximum amount of suggestions that can be displayed by autocomplete.
Enable categories search
Will add a list of product categories with names matching the search string.
Categories header
Customize the header of the matching categories list. Leave blank if not needed.
Enable tags search
Will add a list of product tags with names matching the search string.
Tags header
Customize the header of the matching tags list. Leave blank if not needed.
Products header
Customize the header for the products list. Leave blank if not needed.
Display products’ images
Check to display the images for the suggested products.
Display products’ prices
Check to display the prices of the suggested products.
Show “View all results” link
Add the “View all results” link at the end of the suggestions list.
View all results link text
This option is available in the premium version of the plugin.
Customize the text of the “View all results” link label.
Autocomplete height limit (pixels)
This option is available in the premium version of the plugin.
Limit the height of autocomplete box, in pixels. Scrollbars will be added to autocomplete box whenever the height of suggestions list exceeds the specified number in pixels. Set to 0 to disable the height limitation.