Pagination issues

Our plugin is programmed to provide support for the standard WooCommerce pagination containers of woocommerce-pagination class. If you experience issues with the pagination of your filtered results, please follow the checklist below:

  1. Disable infinite scroll, “Load More” and other custom pagination features provided by your theme or 3d-party plugins. To enable infinite scroll and other AJAX-powered pagination options for your filtered product lists please use the annasta Filters > Product lists > Pagination dropdown.
  2. If you theme has multiple pagination options, make sure that everything is set to (WooCommerce) default.
  3. Click here to read about resolving the pagination issues in themes that change the default WooCommerce pagination markup and locations.
  4. For themes that remove or alter the standard WooCommerce pagination to the point that the filters can not anymore properly support its updates, the default WooCommerce pagination block can be added in the annasta Filters > Product lists > Add elements admin section. Use it to insert the native WooCommerce pagination into filterable pages. Please click here to read more about resolving the issue of unsupported pagination formats.